Day 21

August 8, 2018

  • Start: Bromely Peak
  • End: Spruce Peak Shelter mile 219
  • Total: 5.8 miles

I got sucked into town and I loved it! Dr. Moose, Too Many, Little Foot and Fire, and I crushed the miles into town. As we reached the parking lot there was a variety of delicious fruit juices left as trail magic. They were delightful and put me in a good mood as I tried to fight the anxiety about finding a hitch with so many people and a dog. Luckily for us the owner of the Green Mountain Hostel was dropping off hikers at the trailhead and offered us a ride into town. We eagerly accepted.

We enjoyed breakfast at McDonalds, while Little Foot visited the grocery store. We met at the laundromat afterwards.

I was starting to get antsy sitting around. I feel like I have been doing more of that than I should, but we had talked about lunch at the pizzeria. I set aside the mile crushing desire and dove into a delicious margarita pizza.

During a quick stop to buy some water, a lovely older woman offered to take us back to the trail. This time it was just Little Foot and Fire, and me. The boys had headed to the Green Mountain Hostel for the night.

Little Foot, Fire, and I got to the Spruce Peak Shelter around 4. Part of me wanted to push on, but it was going to rain and there were 2 more friendly SOBOs there. Classy and Highwater were both on the AT. I settled in and before long we were laughing the night away. When I mentioned my AT hike, Highwater asked me if I knew a guy named Hardass. I sure did! We started on Katahdin the same day, and while he didn’t finish, I hiked that last 500 miles to Springer with his cousin Duke. It is such a small world and that is a great feeling.

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